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Nairobi National Park

  • Nairobi tented camp exterior
  • Destinations East Africa | Kenya - Nairobi National Park zebras and city backdrop
  • Nairobi National Park lions and city backdrop
  • Nairobi National Park Black Rhino
  • Nairobi National Park lioness and cab. Also seen on a 12 day wildlife Safari
  • Nairobi tented camp exterior
  • Destinations East Africa | Kenya - Nairobi National Park zebras and city backdrop

Nairobi National Park is a Kenyan national park that covers 117.21 km2 and lays 7km South of Nairobi and this makes it the only park in the world so close to the city. The park was established in 1946, and it is one of the most popular attractions in Nairobi.

Nairobi National Park is a Kenyan national park that covers 117.21 km2 and lays 7km South of Nairobi and this makes it the only park in the world so close to the city. The park was established in 1946, and it is one of the most popular attractions in Nairobi.

The main reason for its popularity is the large and varied wildlife population, which includes lion, leopard, African buffalo, spotted hyena, hippopotamus, giraffe, blue wildebeest, plains zebra, cheetah, Thomson’s gazelle, black rhinoceros and Grant’s gazelle.

The park is the most successful Rhino Sanctuary in the world which protects the Eastern Black rhino and this is where one has good chance of sighting this endangered species

The David Sheldrick Trust manages a sanctuary for orphaned elephant and rhinoceros calves that are hand-reared and later released into secure sanctuaries.

The park is also home to over 500 bird species and has been designated as an Important Bird Area by Birdlife International.